We've frequently found that the week before and after vacations we end up working twice as much as usual, first trying to get ahead and then catching up. It's not hard to do the math on that scenario and at best, we're treading water.
We tend to think of getaways and vacations as things that need to be BIG! Don't get me wrong, we encourage everyone to take a week or two every chance you get. But traditional vacations can become overwhelming and unwieldy with lots of moving parts.
Daycations can be a nice addition to your Summer schedule and can actually be more rewarding than a traditional getaway. As the name implies, daycations are vacations that last a single day and require significantly less planning, effort, and expense than a traditional vacation. The key is to make your daycation something that is easy and fun that will be meaningful and restorative for you.
But before we discuss what a daycation is, let's be clear about what it is not: It is not taking a day to catch up on errands, to reschedule missed appointments, and knock out those one or two (or five) chores that you just haven't been able to get to. Yes, you may be glad you got these things done and you may feel a bit less stress but this is not the same as nurturing your mind and spirit.
We encourage you to bring intention to this experience. Do you need some time alone? Perhaps, you have a relationship that you want to nourish? Once you have your basic intention, plan the day accordingly, leaving plenty of space for spontaneity and organic experience.
For Wayne, day hiking at a local state park is an ideal solo getaway. He is always restored by time spent in nature. If we are interested in a shared experience, then perhaps we would tour a botanical garden and seek out a nice meal at a restaurant we've never tried. If our time is more limited, something as simple as a nice dinner out and a movie can be just the escape that we need.
Whatever experience speaks to you, this time spent solo or with meaningful folks in your life can become a steady spring that feeds and sustains you.
Be Well,