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I'm going to start this post by apologizing several times over.  First, for not posting this sooner.  I got SO behind in my wrap-ups over the holiday season that I just completely gave up.  I hadn't returned to any of them (although I do have the pictures), but the Rock & Shop Market was so amazing that I just didn't want to let it go. My second apology stems from lack of content.  I worked this event alone.  That's usually not a problem, but because of how amazingly busy I was and because of how spread out the market was, I didn't even get to visit most of the market. All that said, the event was a huge success for us and, from what I understand, was greatly enjoyed by the tons of the folk who came out.  The post is going up regardless of the delay. So, let's take a look... I lived in Durham for over a year, but had never ventured to this particular area of downtown.  The market was held in three buildings - Fullsteam Brewery (where we were located): Motorco: And the Trotter building (no picture...sorry). Michelle and her crew did an awesome job putting the event together and publicizing it.  There were food trucks galore.  Two outside of Fullsteam... ...and several more in front of Motorco. Pie Pushers?  Yum. Here I am all set up and ready to go.  A kind customer saw me messing around with the camera and offered to take a picture.  :) Here's what it looked like from behind the booth most of the show.  Really.  It was incredibly packed. I was able to take a few photos of folks that were also located inside Fullsteam.  My neighbor was Betsy Browne Pottery.   She was ridiculously nice and covered for me more than once. And her stuff is gorgeous!  The textures were amazing on each piece.  I would have loved to take one home, but she was almost cleaned out by the time the event was over. {update: 3/6/12 - Found a few more vendor pics!} APK Printworks & Un Original Americain had a lovely mix of goodies.  Also wonderfully nice folks. As a vegetarian, I started giggling helplessly when I saw this.  Not sure that's exactly what Matt Butler intended.  :) The Courtesy Press had cute cards. These silk scarves were gorgeous.  The artist from Leopold Designs was explaining the process to me....and it is amazingly labor intensive!  They are true works of art. What did I miss?  Visiting inside of both Motorco and Trotter and all the artists included.   A fashion show.  And live music!   If we get to participate again next year, I'm going to beg someone to go with me just so I can walk around and really appreciate everything there.