Christmas in the Valley - Day 1
Julia and I were both very excited about today. Not only were we going to our first Christmas show we were also releasing our three holiday scents. While we really liked the new scents you never really know how they are going to do until you get feedback from total strangers. The result...Success!!! We sold quite a few holiday bars and got good feedback from the folks who didn't buy.
This was also the first time we had done an indoor "show" and it was nice not having to fight the elements. Of course there was the constant battle of remembering everything we needed to set up the booth. I forgot to get the tablecloths out of the dryer (in my defense, Julia only reminded me once this morning =) ). Julia saved the day and we now have more black tablecloths than we will ever need. Once we got the tablecloths we got set up and all went well.
As always, we had great neighbors who were friendly and helped keep us company through the afternoon lull. The customers were great and very complimentary of our products and our booth. Below are some pics. Enjoy!
[caption id="attachment_617" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Booth at Christmas In the Valley show "]
Tomorrow's post will be dedicated to our neighbors at the show and the puppy parade put on by the Humane Society of Catawba County. I can't wait!