We have a second bedroom in our little house that has recently been allocated to Belle Terre. It has been accumulating stuff for at least six months and was at the point that it was beginning to stress me out every time I opened the door. After major arm twisting on my part, W agreed to undertake the project with me. Here's the before so you'll know just how miserable the room had become:
This is the bedroom when you first open the door. It's a small room to begin with and felt quite claustrophobic when you add the fabric, soap, etc. You can see our tables for the craft fair peeking out from under the bed. They literally wouldn't slide in any further so there was no way to hide them.

Here's the soap rack and another shelf W stole from the garage in an attempt to make me feel more organized.

Here you can see the contents of the shelf - boxed soap, display items, and a collection of supplies.

So, several hours, a trip to Charlotte to meet a stranger in a parking lot (sounds way more illicit than it was!), an interesting trip to Lowes, and some dragging things back and forth from the garage left us with...
The soap rack in the corner with our fun new director's chairs to be used at the upcoming market.

Our lovely new storage shelf courtesy of Lowe's. You can see our tables and chalkboard standing to the side. At some point, I may try to tuck them behind the shelf, but we're going to need them on Wednesday so I didn't want to go to too much trouble.
See all the boxes? That's all fully wrapped soap, ready to sell!

Here's the source of the Charlotte trip. Several years ago my mother had given me a table top with fold down sides that I just knew would come in handy at some point. It had been living in our garage almost since we moved here. Well, I happened to find a cheap singer sewing table base on Craigslist and sent W to pick it up on his way home one day. The table top I had fix quite well and now I have a fantastic sewing table.

And finally, the big empty space just waiting to be filled. I've already been inspired (of course). For a while now I've told W that I would like a vintage library card catalog (see
this and
this). With all the little drawers, it's perfect for storage of all our supplies, plus it looks fantastic. If I can find a longer piece instead of taller, it will also serve as my cutting table.

I'm sure it'll be ages before I find the perfect piece to fit in there, but I will definitely post when I do. In the meantime, I'm quite happy. The room finally feels put together instead of overwhelming. I'm hoping after our upcoming market (
Hickory Farmer's Market on Wednesday) and festival (
Historic Morganton Festival on Sept 10th & 11th), I'll actually have time to do some sewing.